
I can use PyMC3 to estimate the posterior PDF for the true skill level of every BUDA team using its W-L record during the season. This could be superior to my initial approach of assuming a discrete skill level based on Division and then modifying that skill level based on individual game outcomes. It will also serve as a great playground in which to explore PyMC3.

Now that I've tested that things out with a small sample of artificial game data, it's time to run this on BUDA summer club league data.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.math import invlogit
from tqdm import tqdm
from theano import tensor as tt

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
project_dir = '/Users/rbussman/Projects/BUDA/buda-ratings'
scores_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'data', 'raw', 'game_scores')

In [3]:
# summer club league 2016
league_id = 40264
game_scores = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(scores_dir, 'scores_{}.csv'.format(league_id)))

In [4]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B
0 AHOC Gothrilla -99 4/3 Div 1 15 12
1 AHOC BBN -99 4/3 Div 1 15 1
2 AHOC Stonecutters -99 4/3 Div 1 15 8
3 AHOC FlowChart -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10
4 AHOC Lady and the BAMF -99 4/3 Div 1 15 5

In [6]:
game_scores['Team A Wins'] = game_scores['Score A'] > game_scores['Score B']

In [7]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B Team A Wins
1161 Sky Zone Stall 9 -99 Open Div 2 10 15 False
1162 Sky Zone Hammered -99 Open Div 2 13 15 False
1163 Sky Zone Squid Squad -99 Open Div 2 7 15 False
1164 Sky Zone Crossroads -99 Open Div 2 5 15 False
1165 Sky Zone Rabbit Disc -99 Open Div 2 13 15 False

In [8]:
teams = game_scores['Team A'].unique()

In [9]:
n_teams = len(teams)

In [10]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B Team A Wins
0 AHOC Gothrilla -99 4/3 Div 1 15 12 True
1 AHOC BBN -99 4/3 Div 1 15 1 True
2 AHOC Stonecutters -99 4/3 Div 1 15 8 True
3 AHOC FlowChart -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10 True
4 AHOC Lady and the BAMF -99 4/3 Div 1 15 5 True

In [11]:
team2index = {}
team2div = {}
for i, team in enumerate(teams):
    row = game_scores['Team A'] == team
    div_team = game_scores.loc[row, 'divname'].unique()[0]
    team2div[team] = div_team
    team2index[team] = i

In [12]:
game_scores['Index A'] = game_scores['Team A'].apply(lambda x: team2index[x])
game_scores['Index B'] = game_scores['Team B'].apply(lambda x: team2index[x])
game_scores['Div A'] = game_scores['Team A'].apply(lambda x: team2div[x])
game_scores['Div B'] = game_scores['Team B'].apply(lambda x: team2div[x])

In [13]:
sub_scores = game_scores.copy()
for div in ['Open Div 1', 'Open Div 2']:
    sub1 = (sub_scores['Div A'] == div) | (sub_scores['Div B'] == div)
    sub_scores = sub_scores[~sub1]

In [14]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B Team A Wins Index A Index B Div A Div B
1044 Spawning Alewives Rabbit Disc -99 5/2 Div 3 7 15 False 66 54 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
1045 Spawning Alewives Flying Salsa -99 5/2 Div 3 8 15 False 66 56 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
1046 Spawning Alewives Granite State Grass Stains -99 5/2 Div 3 1 0 True 66 55 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
1047 Spawning Alewives M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 12 15 False 66 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
1048 Spawning Alewives Batman and the Robins -99 5/2 Div 3 7 15 False 66 34 5/2 Div 3 4/3 Div 3

In [15]:
n_teams = len(sub_scores['Team A'].unique())

In [16]:


In [17]:


Prior on each team is a normal distribution with mean of 1600 and standard deviation of 200.

First attempt with 78 teams and 1166 game scores leads to a compilation error: "fatal error: bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 256". I will try to get around this by filtering out the Open teams and de-duplicating the game scores database. Currently every game score is present twice.

Removing Open teams and de-duplicating gets me down to 67 teams and 527 scores. With this many teams and scores, I still have compilation errors or computer restart issues. Trimming down to top 30 teams is manageable, however. For now, stick with top 30 teams. Will plan to come back later on to explore optimization options.

The most pressing issue now is that Div2 teams get similar scores to Div1 teams. I need to use a different prior on skill for each division. Roughly speaking, I expect that:

  • an average div1 team will beat an average div2 team 95% of the time
  • an average div2 team will beat an average div3 team 90% of the time
  • an average div3 team will beat an average div4 team 75% of the time

Posted on pymc3 discourse page and got a helpful response from @aseyboldt. Turns out I can just index skill with an array of integers and get the speed boost that I need.

In [18]:
pair_list = []
for row in tqdm(sub_scores.index):
    team_A = sub_scores.loc[row, 'Index A']
    team_B = sub_scores.loc[row, 'Index B']
    new_pair = (team_A, team_B)
    reverse_pair = (team_B, team_A)
    if reverse_pair in pair_list:
        sub_scores = sub_scores.drop(row)

100%|██████████| 1044/1044 [00:00<00:00, 2243.30it/s]

In [19]:


In [20]:
sub_scores = sub_scores.reset_index().drop('index', axis=1)

In [21]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B Team A Wins Index A Index B Div A Div B
517 THEM! Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 12 9 True 62 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
518 THEM! SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 12 15 False 62 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
519 THEM! Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 0 1 False 62 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
520 SIR! M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 64 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
521 M.O.B. Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 65 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3

In [22]:


In [23]:

Team A Team B Tourney Qualifying games* divname Score A Score B Team A Wins Index A Index B Div A Div B
0 AHOC Gothrilla -99 4/3 Div 1 15 12 True 0 1 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
1 AHOC BBN -99 4/3 Div 1 15 1 True 0 9 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
2 AHOC Stonecutters -99 4/3 Div 1 15 8 True 0 41 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 1
3 AHOC FlowChart -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10 True 0 2 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
4 AHOC Lady and the BAMF -99 4/3 Div 1 15 5 True 0 28 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 2
5 AHOC Swingers -99 4/3 Div 1 15 11 True 0 5 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
6 AHOC Upstream -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10 True 0 10 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 2
7 AHOC Tubbs -99 4/3 Div 1 15 6 True 0 29 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 2
8 AHOC Stonecutters -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10 True 0 41 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 1
9 AHOC Zerg Rush! -99 4/3 Div 1 15 8 True 0 4 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
10 AHOC Turtle Boy -99 4/3 Div 1 15 6 True 0 7 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
11 AHOC Live Poultry, Fresh Killed (LPFK) -99 4/3 Div 1 15 7 True 0 8 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
12 AHOC TuneSquad -99 4/3 Div 1 15 4 True 0 6 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
13 AHOC JuJu Hex -99 4/3 Div 1 15 12 True 0 43 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 2
14 Gothrilla Swingers -99 4/3 Div 1 9 13 False 1 5 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
15 Gothrilla FlowChart -99 4/3 Div 1 15 7 True 1 2 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
16 Gothrilla Hucky McThrowandcatch -99 4/3 Div 1 14 10 True 1 50 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 2
17 Gothrilla SnakeCountryBromance -99 4/3 Div 1 10 15 False 1 40 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 1
18 Gothrilla Zerg Rush! -99 4/3 Div 1 11 15 False 1 4 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
19 Gothrilla GrassBurner -99 4/3 Div 1 15 13 True 1 3 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
20 Gothrilla Turtle Boy -99 4/3 Div 1 13 12 True 1 7 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
21 Gothrilla Live Poultry, Fresh Killed (LPFK) -99 4/3 Div 1 15 11 True 1 8 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
22 Gothrilla Upstream -99 4/3 Div 1 15 12 True 1 10 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 2
23 Gothrilla Live Poultry, Fresh Killed (LPFK) -99 4/3 Div 1 15 8 True 1 8 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
24 Gothrilla TuneSquad -99 4/3 Div 1 15 7 True 1 6 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
25 Gothrilla BBN -99 4/3 Div 1 15 10 True 1 9 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
26 Gothrilla Swingers -99 4/3 Div 1 13 6 True 1 5 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
27 Gothrilla Zerg Rush! -99 4/3 Div 1 16 14 True 1 4 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
28 Gothrilla GrassBurner -99 4/3 Div 1 0 0 False 1 3 4/3 Div 1 4/3 Div 1
29 Gothrilla Shake and Bake -99 4/3 Div 1 15 3 True 1 42 4/3 Div 1 5/2 Div 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
492 Alpha No Beta Tofu Wolf -99 5/2 Div 3 15 4 True 58 59 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
493 Alpha No Beta M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 58 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
494 Alpha No Beta Killer Bees -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 58 61 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
495 Alpha No Beta Tofu Wolf -99 5/2 Div 3 5 15 False 58 59 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
496 Alpha No Beta SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 14 13 True 58 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
497 Alpha No Beta Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 15 7 True 58 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
498 Tofu Wolf Spam -99 5/2 Div 3 13 15 False 59 60 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
499 Tofu Wolf Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 14 13 True 59 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
500 Tofu Wolf SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 14 16 False 59 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
501 Tofu Wolf Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 15 8 True 59 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
502 Tofu Wolf THEM! -99 5/2 Div 3 15 13 True 59 62 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
503 Tofu Wolf Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 4 15 False 59 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
504 Tofu Wolf Killer Bees -99 5/2 Div 3 13 7 True 59 61 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
505 Tofu Wolf Spam -99 5/2 Div 3 10 12 False 59 60 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
506 Spam M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 15 9 True 60 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
507 Spam THEM! -99 5/2 Div 3 16 14 True 60 62 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
508 Spam Killer Bees -99 5/2 Div 3 15 9 True 60 61 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
509 Spam Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 15 7 True 60 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
510 Spam Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 14 15 False 60 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
511 Spam SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 15 8 True 60 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
512 Killer Bees Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 14 9 True 61 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
513 Killer Bees SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 15 11 True 61 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
514 Killer Bees THEM! -99 5/2 Div 3 15 10 True 61 62 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
515 Killer Bees Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 13 15 False 61 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
516 THEM! M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 0 1 False 62 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
517 THEM! Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 12 9 True 62 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
518 THEM! SIR! -99 5/2 Div 3 12 15 False 62 64 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
519 THEM! Jiggy -99 5/2 Div 3 0 1 False 62 63 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
520 SIR! M.O.B. -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 64 65 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3
521 M.O.B. Spawning Alewives -99 5/2 Div 3 15 12 True 65 66 5/2 Div 3 5/2 Div 3

522 rows × 11 columns

In [24]:
teams = set(np.append(sub_scores['Team A'].unique(), sub_scores['Team B'].unique()))

In [25]:


In [80]:
skill_prior_div = {
    '4/3 Div 1': 3.0,
    '4/3 Div 2': 0.0,
    '4/3 Div 3': -1.0,
    '5/2 Div 1': 3.0,
    '5/2 Div 2': 0.0,
    '5/2 Div 3': -1.0
alphas = []
for i in range(len(teams)):
    if i in sub_scores['Index A'].values:
        index = sub_scores['Index A'] == i
        div = sub_scores.loc[index, 'Div A'].unique()[0]
        alpha = skill_prior_div[div]
        index = sub_scores['Index B'] == i
        div = sub_scores.loc[index, 'Div B'].unique()[0]
        alpha = skill_prior_div[div]
#     div = sub_scores[team]
#     alpha = skill_prior_div[div]
#     print(team, alpha)
#     alphas.append(alpha)

In [82]:
team1 = sub_scores['Index A'].values
team2 = sub_scores['Index B'].values

with pm.Model() as model:
    skill_sd = pm.HalfStudentT('skill_sd', sd=2.5, nu=3)
    skill = pm.Normal('skill', mu=alphas, shape=len(teams))
    logit_p = skill_sd * (skill[team1] - skill[team2])
#     logit_p = skill[team1] - skill[team2]

#     lower = 1e-6
#     upper = 1 - 1e-6
#     B_minus_A = skill[team2] - skill[team1]
#     probability_A_beats_B = lower + (upper - lower) * 1 / (1 + tt.exp(B_minus_A))

    p = tt.nnet.sigmoid(logit_p)
    win = pm.Bernoulli('win', p, observed=sub_scores['Team A Wins'].values)

In [83]:
with model:
    trace = pm.sample(1000)

Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using ADVI...
Average Loss = 299.01:   6%|▌         | 11203/200000 [00:01<00:28, 6718.45it/s]
Convergence archived at 11600
Interrupted at 11,600 [5%]: Average Loss = 328.5
100%|██████████| 1500/1500 [00:03<00:00, 482.61it/s]

In [84]:

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1246dbdd0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1249a0550>],
       [<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1259ee4d0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x125927610>]], dtype=object)

In [85]:

['skill_sd_lowerbound__', 'skill', 'skill_sd']

In [86]:
meanskills = trace.get_values('skill').mean(axis=0)

In [87]:
for i, meanskill in enumerate(meanskills):
    if i in sub_scores['Index A'].values:
        index = sub_scores['Index A'] == i
        name = sub_scores.loc[index, 'Team A'].unique()[0]
        index = sub_scores['Index B'] == i
        name = sub_scores.loc[index, 'Team B'].unique()[0]
    print("{}: {:.3f}".format(name, meanskill))

AHOC: 4.419
Gothrilla: 3.046
FlowChart: 2.883
GrassBurner: 2.173
Zerg Rush!: 3.179
Swingers: 1.995
TuneSquad: 1.827
Turtle Boy: 1.583
Live Poultry, Fresh Killed (LPFK): 1.180
BBN: 1.404
Upstream: 1.641
Injustice League: 2.241
Puddingstone: 1.731
Flaming Croissants: 0.683
Jack's Abby HAOS Lager: 1.678
License to Kilt (fka Scoobers in Scotland): 0.984
Toads: 0.392
JHOP: 0.581
Rubs The Duckie: 0.813
Disc Envy: 0.191
Store Bought Dirt: 0.121
Fetch: 0.004
Booooooosh!: 0.045
Dominion: 0.305
Rogues' Gallery: 0.240
A Lil Bit Sticky: -0.156
Nerd Alert: -0.399
Moose Lightning: -0.099
Lady and the BAMF: -0.818
Tubbs: -1.324
Hipster Kitties: -1.232
TuneSquad Squared: -2.088
Too Drunk to Fail: 0.194
Oddjob: -0.302
Batman and the Robins: -1.266
Stack to the Future: -1.081
Underwater Monkey Cowboys: -1.357
Baboon Heart: -1.026
Top Shelf: -1.517
123 Trap!: -2.221
SnakeCountryBromance: 4.011
Stonecutters: 2.693
Shake and Bake: 1.366
JuJu Hex: 1.593
Pink Flamingos: 1.724
Baba Yaga: 1.184
Maverick: 1.743
Hippos: 0.713
Bacon: 0.753
Get Flat Ultimate: 0.202
Hucky McThrowandcatch: 0.743
SHRedline: 0.489
The Funky Bunch: -0.172
Iron Squids: -0.967
Rabbit Disc: -0.687
Granite State Grass Stains: -0.365
Flying Salsa: -0.103
Demons: -0.831
Alpha No Beta: -1.053
Tofu Wolf: -1.256
Spam: -1.146
Killer Bees: -2.106
THEM!: -2.354
Jiggy: -1.818
SIR!: -1.502
M.O.B.: -1.956
Spawning Alewives: -2.599

In [73]:
i in sub_scores['Index A'].values


In [69]:
index = sub_scores['Index A'] == i

In [71]:
name = sub_scores.loc[index, 'Team A'].unique()

In [72]:

array([], dtype=object)

In [172]:
i in sub_scores['Index A']


In [175]:
sub_scores['Index B'].unique()

array([ 1,  9, 11,  2, 18,  5, 19,  4,  7,  8,  6, 22, 29, 10,  3, 12, 13,
       14, 17, 20, 30, 21, 15, 16, 31, 25, 23, 24, 28, 27, 32, 26])

In [60]:
with pm.Model() as model:
    skill = pm.Cauchy('skill', alpha=alphas, beta=0.5, shape=len(teams))
#     skill_div3 = pm.Cauchy('skill_div3', alpha=-1.0, beta=0.5, shape=n_teams3)
#     skill_div4 = pm.Cauchy('skill_div4', alpha=-3.0, beta=0.5, shape=n_teams4)
#     skill = pm.Lognormal('skill', mu=0, tau=1, shape=n_teams + 2)
#     skill = pm.Exponential('skill', lam=1, shape=n_teams + 2)

#     scale = pm.HalfNormal('scale', sd=100)

    A_minus_B = []
    B_minus_A = []
    for row in mixed_scores.index:
        team_A = mixed_scores.loc[row, 'ID A']
        team_B = mixed_scores.loc[row, 'ID B']
        div_A = mixed_scores.loc[row, 'divname']
#         print(team_A, team_B)
        A_minus_B.append(skill[team_A] - skill[team_B])
        B_minus_A.append(skill[team_B] - skill[team_A])
#     A_minus_B = np.array(A_minus_B)
    lower = 1e-6
    upper = 1 - 1e-6
    probability_A_beats_B = lower + (upper - lower) * 1 / (1 + tt.exp(B_minus_A))
#     probability_A_beats_B = pm.math.invlogit(A_minus_B)
#     probability_A_beats_B = 1. / (1 + pm.math.exp(B_minus_A))
    observation = pm.Bernoulli('observation', probability_A_beats_B, observed=mixed_scores['Team A Wins'].values)

In [38]:
with pm.Model() as model:
#     skill = pm.Cauchy('skill', alpha=alphas, beta=0.5, shape=len(teams))
    skill = pm.Normal('skill', sd=0.5, shape=len(teams))

    B_minus_A = skill[sub_scores['Index B'].values] - skill[sub_scores['Index A'].values]

    lower = 1e-6
    upper = 1 - 1e-6
    probability_A_beats_B = lower + (upper - lower) * 1 / (1 + tt.exp(B_minus_A))
#     probability_A_beats_B = pm.math.invlogit(A_minus_B)
#     probability_A_beats_B = 1. / (1 + pm.math.exp(B_minus_A))
    observation = pm.Bernoulli('observation', probability_A_beats_B, observed=sub_scores['Team A Wins'].values)

In [52]:


In [7]:
xplot = np.arange(-15, 15, 0.1)

In [8]:
yplot = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-xplot))

In [9]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(xplot, yplot)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c1587a7d0>]

In [ ]: